
Fellowship training is available in the Morgentaler Method™ for the evaluation and management of testosterone deficiency (male hypogonadism). The primary goal of the fellowship program is to provide an opportunity to access the mind and thinking of Dr. Morgentaler, to gain both a deep practical understanding of how to evaluate and manage men with testosterone deficiency, and to become familiar with the scientific basis for Dr. Morgentaler’s approach to the field. Dr. Morgentaler pioneered the modern use of testosterone therapy during a time when its use was rare, there was universal concern that testosterone therapy caused prostate cancer, and there were no clinical guidelines.

Dr. Morgentaler’s work has frequently been controversial, as it contradicted conventional wisdom, yet repeatedly his positions have eventually been confirmed to be correct. One of the goals of the fellowship is therefore to gain greater understanding of how to approach research studies and to learn how incorrect interpretations of data can lead to misguided clinical approaches.

New session coming in January 2025. If you are interested in learning more about this novel opportunity, please email us.